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Health Benefits of Drinking Coffee

by Terry William Johnston 18 Aug 2022 0 Comments
Health Benefits of Drinking Coffee

The Benefits of Drinking Coffee Before and After Your Workout.
Coffee is the drink which gives us life in the mornings but it has been praised as well as judged as a vice by some people. Coffee is actually good for you and can help to give you a better workout. It contains is a naturally occurring stimulant that is found in leaves, nuts, seeds and plants.

If you drink coffee before your daily workout you can gain more functional benefits, as coffee gives you better circulation for up to75 minutes after drinking it which allows more oxygen to the muscles when you need it most for a better workout.

Coffee also aids to reduce muscle pain during intense workouts, as well as helping to maintain muscle mass and ensuring fuel to your muscle. Coffee can preserve your fitness, and allows you to exercise harder and longer. An additional advantage for those who drink coffee before a workout is it helps the muscles to start using fat as an energy source rather than carbohydrate sugars. This means you are not taking and using more energy out of your body reserves.

Coffee has long been known to have numerous fitness benefits when consumed before a workout. Just leave out the cream and sugar if you can. Cold brewed coffee is less acidic and bitter, making it easier to drop the sugar. Coffee can also help in fat loss and increasing your overall performance and durability during a workout.

So, ditch the protein pre-workout shake, or the pasta meal, and make yourself a cup of coffee before and after your workout. It will be more beneficial than many think and can help reach those tough fitness goals.

If you don’t already have a fitness plan, then the Eagle Body Pro is a good way to start.

Therefore, the best means to build muscle mass, no matter your age, is progressive resistance training (PRT), says Dr. Storer. With PRT, you gradually amp up your workout volume—weight, reps, and sets—as your strength and endurance improve. Harvard Health Publishing. 19 Feb 2016

So, what are you waiting for?
At Eagleware Australia, you can purchase the Eagle Body Pro (the ideal PRT Home Gym system) and Digital Abs Roller to give yourself the best possible start to becoming fitter and leaner.

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